About Census Maps

Your Go-To Source for KML Boundary Files

Unlock the power of map visualizations

The Map Boundary File Directory was created by the team at SimpleCrew to solve a problem that many of our users faced - finding accurate and up-to-date KML boundary files for states, counties, and zip codes can be a tedious and time-consuming task. Google My Maps doesn't include these boundary files, and they can be buried deep within the US Census website, making it difficult to locate the necessary files.

Our users, specifically those using our main application SimpleCrew, were interested in building sales territory maps using zip code boundary files. But finding these files was a significant hurdle. We recognized the need for a centralized directory that would allow our users and others to easily access and download the KML files they need.

That's why we created the Map Boundary File Directory - a free directory of US Census map boundary files that makes it easy for individuals and organizations to quickly find and download KML files for their mapping and analysis needs.

Don't just take our word for it - here are some testimonials from our users:

“I found your site while searching for county line borders in California. I am a birder and I gear much of my leisure time to the pursuit of birds that I have not seen, or birds that I have not seen in certain areas. Through eBird, I track my sightings by county areas, but it is very hard to find online maps, such as Google Earth, that shows the county borders. Google Earth used to provide that level of detail, but they don't anymore. I hope your service will fill that need. I would be glad to spread the word with other 'county birders' that I know.”

David Sexton – Birding Enthusiast Extraordinaire

Thank you for visiting, and we hope to continue providing a valuable resource for anyone in need of accurate and up-to-date KML boundary files.

Best regards,

The Boundmaps Team